The Dental Nurse Apprenticeship Centre

Tempdent is the UK’s leading provider of dental nurse qualifications.

Tempdent works with our dental nurse apprentices and candidates to ensure that they find a trainee dental nurse position to suit their needs. Once employed as a trainee dental nurse, you will automatically start the next available training course. Tempdent has continual outstanding success rates in all of our dental nursing qualifications. You will be guaranteed success in completing your dental qualification with Tempdent!

With clients based all over the UK, Tempdent are able to recruit and place trainee dental nurses in London and through-out the UK.

Our London based dental nurses - will be placed in one of our classroom-based dental nurse qualification courses.

For applicants based in the rest of the UK, the training will be delivered via our unique blended learning training programme.

If you’re an apprentice dental nurse and would like to earn whilst gaining an accredited qualification, get in touch! We have more than 20 years experience placing dental nurses in apprenticeship placements to suit them.



To find out more about the syllabus and course start dates  click here

From the Blog